Starting a new relationship can be such an exciting and wonderful moment. You are filled with happiness and all you want to do is spend your time with your new flame. Whether we like it or not, the relationship will tend to have an effect on our friendships. But the good news is, we do have control over whether this effect will be good or bad.
If you're the type of person who is with their babe 24/7, this could put some tension into your friendships. When we are in deep like, we sometimes forget about everyone else for a while and we focus our time and energy on our significant other.
And our poor friends are usually the ones left in the dust, and they keep the feelings of hurt and rejection to themselves because they don't want to come across as being unhappy for you.
So then the responsibility falls on you to talk to them and ask them if they feel like you've been leaving them out of your life. If you aren't the talking type, then hang out with your friends by doing things you guys enjoy like playing soccer together, going shopping or watching a movie together. Put aside a day or two for them, they'll appreciate it.
Remember that when something goes wrong with your new partnership, it will be your friends who you are likely to go in search of to help you pick up the pieces, create a ready-made social life for you again.
So keep the contact with them going even when you are in the middle of an intense two- some that feels as though it will last forever - chances are that it won't!!
Your true friends will always want the best for you- they'll want you to be happy and they'll also want to be a part of your happiness. So don't leave them out.
So, your babe has just as much of a hard time being separated from you as you do from them? That's okay. Heck, it's even said that abscence makes the heart grow fonder.
Let your partner know that they aren't the only ones who need attention from you. Discuss how maybe both of you can look after friendships a little, as well as having most of the time you want for each other. If you work it out together and agree on a friends' night or two, you can synchronise the time you spend apart and together.
This way your babe won't get upset when you let them know that you're spending the night or weekend.
Remember, being in a relationship with someone doesn't mean that you have to be joined at the hip, or at least, not all the time! A relationship is like another aspect of your life along side your family, work and friendships.
And although intensity is quite natural early on in a relationship, it can be hard to maintain it, so if you set it as an ongoing expectation in your relationship, it can end up actually being the death of it.
This can be a very tricky and, dare we say, awkward situation for everybody involved! You'll feel like you're in the middle of a very sticky sandwich, trying to keep both sides happy but deep down you just wish they would get along. Too bad we can't control people's' feelings.
So what can you do?
Think about the situation from both sides and really try to get into the shoes of your partner and your friends so that you can better understand them.
Then, speak to both sides, really trying to explain, rather than blame anyone. If there is no real desire to understand the other point of view and they can't try to be cool with each other (even if it's just for you) then let it be their problem. After all, there's only so much one can do.
If they won't want to be around each other, try doing things with them separately.
And lastly, When you are spending a lot of time with your babe, make sure you still keep contact with your friends. This is really important. If you just drop off the map, you can't expect to be straight back on it as soon as things cool down or come to an
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